Watchguard – Now Available: Fireware 12.5.1

Fireware 12.5.1
WatchGuard Fireware 12.5.1 and the corresponding WSM software are now Generally Available (GA) for download from the WatchGuard software download center. This maintenance update provides changes to the ways WatchGuard access points are supported and managed, as well as resolution to issues that have been reported by customers.
For a complete listing of bug fixes and feature improvements, please refer to the release notes and the What’s New in Fireware v12.5.1 PowerPoint slides.
Does this release pertain to me?
If you manage WatchGuard Access Points (APs) with the Gateway Wireless Controller (GWC), note that WatchGuard is introducing changes that affect how your APs are managed and supported after their Basic Wi-Fi subscriptions expire. Beginning with the Fireware v12.5.1 release, each WatchGuard AP managed by a GWC on a Firebox must have a valid Basic Wi-Fi subscription. WatchGuard APs activated with Basic Wi-Fi subscriptions before 1 September 2018 are not affected by these changes.
For additional information about Basic Wi-Fi expiration changes, see WatchGuard AP License Enforcement for Basic
Wi-Fi Subscriptions.
Software Download Center
Firebox appliance owners with active support subscriptions can obtain the Fireware 12.5.1 without additional charge by downloading the applicable packages from the WatchGuard Software Download Center.
For Sales or Support questions, you can find phone numbers for your region online. If you contact WatchGuard Technical Support, please have your registered appliance Serial Number or Partner ID available.
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