Sophos: We won! Naked Security scoops “Legends of security” award

We’re absolutely delighted – delighted and proud! – to report that we won not one but two awards at last night’s European Cybersecurity Blogger Awards 2020.
The awards usually take place alongside the Infosec show in London, England, but for rather obvious reasons both Infosec and the awards bash were cancelled this year.
So the cocktails were virtual this time, but the prizes weren’t – and we bagged two of them:
- Best corporate blog: Naked Security
- Legends of security – Best overall blog: Naked Security
Thanks to all of you who took the trouble to vote for us – we really appreciate it, because you’re the Naked Security community that makes it all worthwhile.
Indeed, to everyone who reads our articles, watches our videos, listens to our podcasts, comments on Naked Security and joins in with us on social media: we couldn’t do what we do without you.
To earn your votes and come out on top in these awards really means a lot to us!
By the way, while we’re on the subject of “legends of security”, please join me in congratulating our Editor-in-Chief, Anna Brading, who really does make the Naked Security team greater than the sum of its parts.
Many of you will know Anna as the host of our Naked Security podcast, but that’s just one tiny part of what she does.
It’s thanks to Anna’s insightful editorial direction that we’re able to pick the right stories to cover, to maintain a consistent style and quality, and most importantly to ensure that our articles don’t just tell you the news but include “What to do” advice that is technically correct, useful, and – best of all – written in plain English.
Oh, and, if you don’t mind us mentioning it again, it’s thanks to Anna that we keep on winning awards!
Once more, to all of you who voted for us, thanks, and “Woo hoo!”
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