WatchGuard Now Available: MSSP Command

WatchGuardONE partners who are enrolled as an MSSP Partner, can now access the new MSSP Command tool, which is available from the WatchGuard Partner Portal Tools navigation. This new tool has replaced the previous MSSP Dashboard to provide easier management and greater visibility into your Monthly Flexible Points business for MSSP devices.
Improved User Experience:
MSSP Command offers a completely revamped user interface that is easy to use and navigate, whether you are wanting to know more about your MSSP business through interactive charts and diagrams, quickly apply changes to point allocations across all your customers’ devices, or configure settings for automatic alerts and notifications.
Improved Manageability:
MSSP Partners can now easily navigate to multiple Firebox devices and manage monthly security services from once easy-to-manage interface. They can also assign customer names to each device to quickly identify and find devices. We have now also introduced a data export feature that allows you take the information on the go for offline reporting.
Improved Visibility:
A new points gauge is available at the top of each page that provides MSSP Partners with full visibility into total points allocated and required for ongoing monthly services. In addition to the required points, this tool also provides visibility into points available, points used in the current month, and the points that will be used next month. From an interactive dashboard, you are able to see your trending points usage for the past year, your service type allocation across all customers, the number devices and device types across customers, as well alerts and notifications regarding points usage.
Online Help Resource:
The new tool also includes an online help resource.
MSSP Command is a single point of access for WatchGuardONE Managed Security Services Providers (MSSPs) who have enrolled in the flexible pricing option. MSSP Command provides MSSP partners the benefits of a distributed investment, the ability to manage security services on a monthly basis, and the ability to change services on-demand for their customers.
All WatchGuardONE Partners have the ability to enroll as an MSSP Partner and begin using this new tool today to leverage our MSSP Flexible Pricing option. To become a WatchGuardONE MSSP Partner, Partners can contact WatchGuard sales representative, or complete and submit the WatchGuardONE MSSP Partner Enrollment form and a WatchGuard representative will contact them directly.
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