SonicWall SMA Added to the Department of Defense Approved Products List

Building on our history of partnering with the federal government on cybersecurity initiatives, SonicWall is pleased to announce that the SonicWall Secure Mobile Access (SMA) 6210 and 7210 have been added to the U.S. Department of Defense Information Network (DoDIN) Approved Products List (APL) — previously known as UC APL — as “Virtual Private Network (VPN) Concentrators.”
The DoDIN APL is made up of products that have completed federal Cybersecurity and Interoperability Certification — an involved, 37-step testing process for products that affect communication and collaboration across the DoDIN. The list is used as an acquisition support tool for DoD organizations interested in purchasing equipment to support their mission.
DoDIN operations underpin nearly every aspect of military operations, and the Department of Defense relies on a protected DoDIN to coordinate sustainment of forces. The DoDIN is made up of all of DoD cyberspace, including both classified and unclassified networks, DoD-owned smartphones, RFID tags, industrial control systems, and the hardware and software that involves the mission performance of systems, including weapon systems. Nearly every military and civilian employee of DoD uses the DoDIN to accomplish some portion of their mission or duties, making its protection crucial to national security.
As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, organizations are increasingly looking for ways to secure remote and mobile work, and the federal government is no exception. SonicWall SMA, a unified secure access gateway, enables anytime, anywhere and any device access to any application. SMA’s granular access control policy engine, context-aware device authorization, application-level VPN and advanced authentication with single sign-on enable organizations to embrace BYOD and mobility in a hybrid IT environment.
SonicWall SMA is not the first SonicWall product to be part of the DoDIN APL. SonicWall NSA and SM 900 series were added in November 2015, and in July 2016 they were joined by the SonicWall TZ series firewall appliances. Both products were approved under the categories “Data Firewall” and “Intrusion Protection Systems and Intrusion Detection Systems.
SonicWall is proud of its tradition of protecting United States federal cybersecurity, and with the addition of the SMA to the DoDIN APL, SonicWall looks forward to carrying on this legacy in an expanded capacity.
To learn more about how SonicWall’s federal government-certified cybersecurity solutions, click here.
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