Introducing the new SophosLabs homepage

Discover the latest threat research, read our reports and try to outsmart an AI machine on the new-look SophosLabs page.
When Sophos acquired Invincea earlier this year, we immediately worked to meld its deep learning technology into our existing SophosLab’s threat research and response machinery.
Following this integration, we wanted a better showcase for the team’s research, articles and malware statistics. We frequently publish labs content on Sophos News, Naked Security, and a technical papers page. But we’ve never had a single place where visitors could find everything.
That changes today with the launch of the new-look SophosLabs homepage on the Sophos website.
There’s a lot on this page that we’re proud of, including a daily picture of malware and spam activity, updated in real time, and an embedded Twitter stream where researchers will rapidly share details on attacks and outbreaks as they happen:
There’s also a news section that pulls in the latest labs-specific articles from Naked Security and Sophos News; a section that highlights the latest reports, white papers and other research; and a variety of content on how data science and deep learning work as part of SophosLabs.
A video section features presentations from our researchers, and there’s even a game where visitors can test themselves against an AI machine. Players are presented with ten URLs and challenged to decide whether they are malicious or benign.
We hope you find SophosLabs’ new online home useful.
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